“U-space in Practice: From Lessons Learned to Future Challenges” organised by Belgian Minister of Mobility


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  • Regulations
“U-space in Practice: From Lessons Learned to Future Challenges” organised by Belgian Minister of Mobility


ADLC is honoured to have been invited to showcase its drone delivery solution at the “U-space in Practice: From Lessons Learned to Future Challenges” organised by Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mobility, Georges Gilkinet, in collaboration with EUROCONTROL and EASA - European Union Aviation Safety Agency at the Port of Antwerp-Bruges.

Path towards decarbonation

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mobility Georges Gilkinet enjoyed our cargo transportation solution as a tool towards decarbonation of the mobility sector by 2050. Through ADLC's innovative transportation service, we can reduce by 80% CO2 emissions traditionally emitted by vans, considering emissions over a complete lifecycle.

# Path towards decarbonation 

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mobility Georges Gilkinet enjoyed our cargo transportation solution as a tool towards decarbonation of the mobility sector by 2050. Through ADLC's innovative transportation service, we can reduce by 80% CO2 emissions traditionally emitted by vans, considering emissions over a complete lifecycle.

U-space in practice

The event provided a general overview of the implementation of the U-space Regulation across Europe. Then, lessons learned from three countries have been presented. Finally, we have been invited to engage in insightful panel discussions on the challenges of “emerging European U-space market players” and of “social acceptance”.

# U-space in practice 

The event provided a general overview of the implementation of the U-space Regulation across Europe. Then, lessons learned from three countries have been presented. Finally, we have been invited to engage in insightful panel discussions on the challenges of “emerging European U-space market players” and of “social acceptance”.


"Drone delivery will take over other drone operations by the end of the decade."

Munish Khurana
Munish Khurana

Senior Business Development Manager ATM/UTM - EUROCONTROL

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